Thursday, February 15, 2007

Girls staff 1994

In 1994 we began to re-organize the buildings around the camp. The DC's cabin became the new hospital, the hospital became the new girls dorm, and of course the new cabins were built.
For a time, the girls had to exist in Cedar Lodge until we could make some changes to the ol' hospital. The advantage to putting the girls into the old hospital (in case you guys never figured it out) was that it would put them across from the DY's accomodation. (Not that we didn't trust you, it was for your own protection!)
At any rate, from the days in Cedar Lodge Carla has provided us with a picture of the staff girls skipping in the common area. I think I see Carla second from the left.


J9 said...

Wasn't that 1995? I remember moving into Cedar Lodge until the old hospital was ready for occupation, and I wasn't there in '94....(or maybe they did it 2 years in a row?)

Fred and Wendy said...

You could be right. 1995 was a blur...we had to finish the construction project, hire and train staff, order camp supplies, have the camp program committees ready, pack our stuff, clean two homes and then drive to Ottawa!

J9 said...

Now that I think about it, I think we're both right...I think I remember hearing that the girls were banished from Hooter House (oh, sorry, Hoover House) near the end of the '94 season, and we started out '95 in Cedar as well...anyone from '94 remember what happened there?...

Gwyneth said...

This pic was definitely 94 and that was the year we made the move from hoover to cedar lodge. I don't think we left cedar lodge that year. In 95 we moved to the hospital. My room was the one on the left in this picture.