Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Smell

J9 reminds us of that lovely aroma down at the beach...rotting fish, seaweed...yuck! And yet at the same time there were times when it was a wonderful place to go.

But for those of us a little older we remember another smell. The ol' dining room, which became the craft hall (or recreation hall) when I was a kid at Camp Selkirk, had a water fountain outside the front door. I needed to take a hayfever tablet (that's another story) and I nearly chooked when I tried to get to the water fountain. Yuck - it smelled like sulfer.

The smell was solved when the then Major Roy Calvert was the DS for Ontario South. Someone will tell me who was the DYS of the day.


Anonymous said...

Hey Fred,Ithink it could have been Bob Chapman.

Donna Haskell

Anonymous said...

Actually, Bob Chapman had moved, Roy Calvert followed Bob into the office as the DS. I was the DYS.
We worked on the new water system over the winter months, then in late spring, as it turned out, the new system was implemented at a cost of approx $150,000 which was an exhorbitent sum of money in those days.

HR Marshall